Blog Purpose

Well, hello world. Welcome and thanks for stopping by my blog site. My objective is to provide you with a basic understanding of website design. This site is tailored to those with little or no website experience. My guiding principle is to truly start from the ground floor and develop the subject in an easy to understand logical progression.

I’m also guided by years of frustration of trying to understand writings but unable to do so because the writer did not provide enough basics or background to understand the concepts being presented.

My target audience is compromised of three groups.

First, individuals just who want to satisfy their curiosity about website design.

Second, are individuals who have or are planning to obtain a website and want to have enough knowledge to intelligently talk with website designers. More knowledge can potentially result in less costly and/or better designs.

And third, individuals who may want to “tweak” an existing web page. I use the word “tweak” instead of design. There are many social media sites such as facebook and blogs that can be “tweaked” to get a better appearance or function, and it’s not that difficult.

A word of caution, while the information provided in this blog will make you more knowledgeable, it will not make you a website designer. You will need a bit more knowledge for that to happen.

Hopefully though it will answer your “How does that ‘stuff’ work” and “What do those ‘things’ mean.”

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